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Week6: My Three Sources Blog

It is a Podcast talking about how Disney films' plots or story lines damage or impact negatively on how females or girls perceive males around and how females or girls perceive themselves and the idealizations of them. The host discusses 3 main reasons about why princesses/females are portrayed as defeated and dispowered ones by Disney films who can only be saved by princes/males even princesses/females died; "princesses' flawless both in body types and personalities" (actually no personalities are portrayed) forces girls who watch those films to compare, conduct diets, and damage their capabilities of self-assessments and confidence by doing this; the experience princesses being females or any feminism are not important through the lack portray of how woman support woman, how princesses' relationships are with their mothers (Kalyn's Coffee Talk).

I would like to use this source annotate in order to wrap up SEGMENT1 in our Podcast which is about what gender roles that male and female characters take in Disney films.

2. The Source that we've read together--Masculinity, Marvel Style (

It is an article that is written by Matt Cates. He mainly lists, analyzes, and concludes about how Marvel films' male characters show manlier elements in a more strong but a relatively less direct way.

I would like to use this source to start SEGMENT2 in our Podcast which is about ways that Disney films represent masculine and feminine values. I use this or I do this is because I want to raise awareness of audience on such relatively toxic construction way Disney films posing through settings of male and female characters and stories happening between them; and use the quotation, ""Men, historically, have been the warriors of the tribe, so we have that ingrained in us, that instinct to be able to bring to bear physicality or aggression as a means to protect ourselves and others.... (Matt Cates)"

3. The Possible Source that I Search--Damsels in distress: A textual analysis of gender roles in Disney princess films (

It is a scholar paper that is written by Nandini Maity, research scholar of Department of English in University of Burdwan. It emphasizes that though Disney films have evolution on roles and representations of male and female characters, Disney films still promote patriarchy stereotypes and diminishes feminism elements.

I would like to use this source to end up our Podcast in order to give clear direction about what we audience do--raise awareness and call for Disney corporation or directors to put more diversified but relatively unbiased gender elements into their films. "Though both the male and the female roles have changed over time in the Disney princess line, yet the female characters actually exhibits less change in their gender role portrayals and there is no doubt that Disney Corporation is reaching their target audience and their message is continuously being made available to the young children (especially the young girls) around the world (Nandi Maity, p1)."

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