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This page is the description about the how we started our podcast project this quarter of Writing 39A with different ideas' points, how we successfully recorded and published our podcast, and what we or I contributed during this process.

Section 1: Pre-Production: Preparation and Planning

1. This is the part of my discussion post for Week1 which also is the part that I start to think about how we are influenced by media, especially, by Disney Films. I choose this as an excerpt because it shows me that I not only learn something new--what is social construction, why it is important, and how does it impact our perceptions and behaviors--but also write something relatively well, which is reflected by viewing at reflections/replies that I got. This hits goals of being open to new ways of considering things or lives we live and understanding the importance of self review, which at least is a good way to review and evaluate what I learn and apply the notion to the script of podcast.

2. This is the part that is excerpted from Week2's exploratory writing/annotations for the article Looking into the Magic Mirror. This work helps me feel more confident of the reading accuracy because I start to read for thinking and connecting to our topic--Disney films and gender roles/norms/values, not only skim words of article. This work also helps me understand the importance of having a process when I am composing a sophisticated text. This is because to annotate or bring out points of the article, I have to first read with considerations of questions, annotating parts of article, reviewing the article when I am drafting and need to quote sayings from the article.

3. This excerpt is chose from Yve Houaka Lee's post of Week3 Exploratory Writing. This post reminds me that there is actually another angle to see Belle, who acts a leading female being considered as an ideal person to sacrifice, not just about her portrayal of love or her love story. Accordingly, when viewing scenes in Disney films, I start to consider actions of leading characters in 2 sides/faces--whether it actually breaks stereotypical gender expectations or conform to that. Reading this post and reply my fellow classmate let me understand the importance of peer review to my own reading and writing.

Section 2: Production--Creating the Podcast and Microsite

1. This is one part of the script that I take. I consider it as an relatively insightful moment since it corresponds to last speaker's sayings, concludes former two segments, and introduces the topic of segment 3.

2. This part is settled by me for flowing from main content's discussion of Segment 3 to the final ending of our podcast--conclusion and purpose/expectations for Disney Films' discussions, "It is recommended that they create more realistic and well-rounded female (or male) characters. This may not only promote Disney’s, as a corporation, financial benefits, but may also promote its societal influence and voice by taking the responsibility to encompass and promote diversity of societal gender identifications."

3. This is the part that is located at the beginning of our podcast's script. This clearly states that why we should care topics that we would discuss in the following and why it is important for us to analyze. This can also be considered as a brief introduction that leads speakers/guests to express their own opinions and evidence.

4. Here is the link that you can find our microsite for podcast.



5. I also wrote the background information for our podcast's microsite.

Section 3: Looking Ahead in Three Paragraphs

Putting scripts that we all write into together when starting to record is the mistake that I learn something from. Our group members all consider and write scripts carefully, but the wrong thing is that we have not discuss and communicate with each other what each writes about. This caused a problem that when we first started to record, all of us merely read our own parts, and there were no connections and communications between group members. After trying to record firstly, we review our scripts and categorize group members into different parts of speaking.


From completing this assignment, I have learned that before assigning roles to group members, asking what they are good at is significant since that would not only promotes relationships between group members by gaining sense of pride and confidence but also speeds up the completion process. Also, after assigning roles and parts to group members but before actually presenting group work, communicating to each other roughly is also vital since that would be connect each group members' contents and make the final presentation better. Saying "Thank you" or expressing gratitudes to every group members, especially group members who take roles of planning, editing, making the site, cannot be denied playing a significant role in relationship keeping and completing.


The first thing that can be put into essay is something about masculinity. We always talk about "toxic masculinity," yet few of us in discussions talk about the distinction between negative masculinity and positive masculinity. The second thing would still be distinction between male characters and female characters. I have learned that their traits or attributes are not absolutely 2 sides, they actually overlap with each other in Disney Films. Male characters in Disney Films can also sometimes be emotional, and female characters are not always masculine or feminine. The 3rd thing that can put into my essay would be our discussion about Belle in Beauty and the Beast. Our group members search more and discuss deeper about Belle and her pursuers Gaston, so Belle would definitely be the core character that I will discuss in my essay.

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