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Week10: Final Reflection Blog

This blog targets the final reflection for this course Writing 39A in terms of the most transformative learning experiences and two problems and future plan.

--Part1: Two Examples of Transformative Learning

I got the most transformative learning experience by learning about our class topic, the social construction of gender values. Before actually started learning the definition of social construction and step into analyzing the processes and consequences of it, I have not realized that I live and stand more than the definition of female that is given by the society. After taking this course, I started to realize that we are mostly “performing gender,” but we are actually not that specific kind of “gender” that the society gives to us.

I got the second most transformative learning experience through working with my group to make the podcast and its microsite. Podcast project changed my thought and attitude toward the definition of team working, the corporation and communication to a much more positive way. Such change would make me be more motivated and willing to work with others as a group, to collaborate, not just considering working by the individual (myself) is always the best choice in the face of anything.

--Part2: Two Problems & A Plan for the Future The problem that I still need to work on is writing issue. Though this is the writing class that should be expected to make my writing skills and writing abilities to another and new level, it does not achieve or satisfy this expectation when I was asking Dr. Lynda’s help to review my essay. I have not thought about that I had a huge number of problems that needed to be revised. Except learning from the following writing classes Writing 39B and Writing 39C, I should search more academic and scholar papers involving my interested topics and to view how they raise up a question, their thesis and how they develop and construct the whole paper.

The second issue that I encounter is the apathy issue. This can be considered as a problem because the apathy to the topic about Disney strongly influences me in the later parts or weeks of the course or quarter. I am not the girl who likes and is interested in princesses, but instead, I am the girl who even hates princesses of Disney due to their fictionalities. In the near future, I should put my dislike assignments at first in order to finish them effectively with the attempt to ignoring my liking or disliking level toward them.

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Ruihan Wang
Ruihan Wang
Mar 15, 2021

Hi Jialin!

As a team member, I am pleased to see you say that teamwork has helped you a lot, and you are willing to collaborate in a team. I also had enjoyable cooperation with you and other members, and this also gave me a new understanding of group cooperation. It turns out that I often think that group members are not active and that group work will reduce efficiency. However, I found that everyone was very active in completing tasks and led me to complete various tasks ahead of schedule. Finally, I hope you get an excellent grade. Cheer for the final exam!⛽️


Kexin Zhang
Kexin Zhang
Mar 15, 2021

1. Hi Jialin. I see that you achieve a great improvement on the definition of gender values while analyzing princess and multimedia skills. I reckon this kind of improve could not only help us reshape the understanding of gender roles and apply our multimedia skills in our future study and even work. You also mentioned that group project enhances your cooperation and communication skills, which makes you be more motivated. I really feel the same way about it. I think a good team can work together and make progress together. For your problems, I know interest is the best teacher, but you could try to find an interest from it. Take me as an example, I used to dislike Marvel…


Jiasheng Zhu
Jiasheng Zhu
Mar 14, 2021

Hi, Jialin. I very much agree with what you gained from the podcast project. I felt the same as well. I think the podcast really requires a lot of cooperation compared to a lot of other group projects in the past. Usually it is just everyone complete their own portion of work, but to finish a podcast, we need the entire group to be on the same line. And the final success really motivates me to participate in more group projects in the future.


Wanyi Shi
Wanyi Shi
Mar 13, 2021

Hi, Jialin. I agree with you that one of the biggest thing we learn from this class is gender value. The life we ​​have now is the result of the unremitting efforts of our predecessors. I was shocked by how passive and submissive the early princesses in Disney movies are. We should continue to strive for social equality instead of defining a person by gender. Also I like the way you design you webpage. I hope you can also be succeed in Writing 39C, Goodbye.

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