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Week4: Extra Credit Blog

Here are 6 fellow classmates that I commented.

  1. Cuiyao Zeng (Zoe)

The blog talks about what's wrong with Hollywood and Disney's princesses. Namely, it talks about how the stereotype they gave "limits the potential" by putting "strict guidelines" in characters' actions, sayings, dressings, make-ups, and their pursuits.

According to this , I commented, "I merely thought what aspects and which ways females could be restricted, but obviously, I haven't thought all the way done to how females' future could also be restricted or shaped by such princesses and as what you mentioned 'strict guidelines'."

2. Yi Jiang

The blog talks about what Yi considers an outdated interview about complaining why Disney was hated by people. Through Yi's summary, this is because economic-spending and time-consuming could not be balanced by what Disney gave to customers, as Yi quoted, "they also talked about the food, the hotel, the fireworks and shows in the park that have problem related to price."

I commented Yi by relating my own experience--my rejection to Disney a few years ago-- though I rejected Disney for a different reason, which is "Disney defined what females should be very significantly." I hated for this reason a few years a ago because my fellow male classmates always judged me according to standards that Disney conveyed in terms of females.

3. Yuying Yu (Christy)

This blog by Yuying is the required reflection blog for Week3. In sum, the blog mainly talks about what made Yuying learn, write and feel surprised was the connection or relationship between Disney films and gender definitions and values, as Yuying said, "I do not think Disney fairy tales are just for kids anymore, they also try to express deeper meanings and values now." In addition, Yuying was trying to reflect to promote learning and writing.

I first expressed the same thing that I was doing for previous weeks to progress--reviewing what I wrote, and then I commented Yuying with the question, "have you thought about letting our fellow classmates to comment some suggestions to our posts would also be very helpful toward reflections?"

4. Kexin Zhang (Jessie)

This blog is the reflection for Week 3. It talks about in what ways those habits of mind that Kexin promoted through specifically pointing out what assignments she did, such as required annotation for video promoted openness, as Kexin said, "That assignment opens my mind and imagination"; required replies for fellow classmates weekly promoted the sense of engagement which made Kexin "learn others' perspectives and develop my peer review ability" and etc.

I commented by asking another way to see what is flexibility, " have you thought that resenting, reanalyzing, concluding and then forming another new angle about one thing or what we took for granted that we encounter in daily life, such as ads, would also be another kind of flexibility?"

5. Cuiwen Zhou

The blog mainly talks about the podcast that Cuiwen had. It is about our bias when we commenting and criticizing Disney films by pointing out Disney's limited gender roles, values and standards, especially toward females. However, according to podcast that Cuiwen mentioned, there could be or there should be another angle to view and contemplate about Disney films and its characters--"the primitive princesses actually do have realistic dreams, and these dreams are unrelated to men; rather, the arrival of the princes at the end of the story 'represents the girl’s readiness to be a woman' and 'is symbolic of the fact that when a girl transitions to womanhood' (Moore, 13:20)."

I commented with the reaction that I had when I was reading the information about the podcast that Cuiwen mentioned, " I haven't though in the way that you mentioned, according to your podcast--escaping from one's considered protector/parent and pursuit what a female wants would be a signal of 'transformation' to 'womanhood'".

6. Yinda Chen

The blog is the reflection for Week 3. Yinda mainly talked about how activities and assignments that this course Writing 39A gave made a new but insightful angle to look connections between Disney films and genders and to evaluate gender values and standards that he had, "after week 3's activities about gender role and toxic masculinity, I redefine my considerations of a healthy human male. In the future, I will try to use a more objective standpoint to interpret genders and their roles."

I commented Yinda's blog through asking he, "have you thought about there are genders (and absolutely their roles) cannot be translated or defined clearly?" I commented this because I basically do not believe that everything should definitely not be binary.

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